Thank you for a fantastic FMN4 – Thank you all very very much, you made this event so special for us. We had a great night, a fantastic show and great people around us. It was so magical and we are overwhelmed by all these wonderful memories you created for us. We had so much fun even if it was a lot of hard work. Thanks to all the great bands who played, the sound guy “Raffi”, the light guy “Dominik” and all other helpers like Bernhard and his wife, Mike and all others at MIH Musicbase who made this event possible.
Great bands on stage and great performances from our friends Alveole, Flowerleaf, Conspiria and Alia Tempora. You made the night perfect. Everyone did a great job and we hope you all enjoyed the festival like we did. Hopefully we can see us next year again with another Fairytale Metal Night in Herzogenaurach. We will see.
We will but some impressions of the night on our FMN4 History page soon. Maybe you find yourself in some of the pics. 🙂
For now, once again thank you so much, it was a blast. Horns up to all of you and see you soon.
Lot´s of love from