Wow, what a blast… Thank you very much Brno, Melodka Club, your were amazing. We had a fantastic evening with you all and we hope we will be back soon. Thanks once again to Alia Tempora for inviting us to your lovely city and the cool club.
Femme Fatale 5 was really great. We guess we all had fun with some great music, great performances and some Ass kicking Metal music. Starting off the evening was the Czech band “Sarkonia”. Two female vocalist heated up the venue. Very cool…
Next on stage was our new show, already with some new tunes form the upcoming album “Everland”. What can we say… Thank you very much, you rocked so hard it was awesome. After our 45 minutes set we cleared the stage for the well known Band “Alia Tempora”. Amazing show even if their second guitar player was sick and cloudn´t play. They did a great job and we love to hear your tunes.
But it wasn´t over yet… Next band from Mexico. Yes right, Erszebeth from Mexico entered the stage and really, really tunred the club into a fire-pit. Great music, perfect vocalist and interesting music. Check them out- it´s great music. Last but not least another Czech band called Stay down. A screaming female vocalist who really did a great job like the rest of the band. Metalcore for all and what else is better than bang your head to heavy music…
Thanks again to all who supported us an the other bands and made this night great and us very happy 🙂