Next stop Hamburg – Indra Club and we must say what a blast… Thank you Hamburg for a great evening. The audience was amazing even if there werenu00b4t as many as expected. Nevermind you sounded like a thousand 🙂 Great show with great bands and friendly people everywhere.
So we startet off to Hamburg very early but there were traffic jams all over the place. No matter which route we took it was always stop and go, stop and go. Our friends from Saint Astray of course had the same troubles. But finally we made it, a little late but still in time. Now hurry up get the stage ready and rock on.u00a0
Mentally Sane, the local support of Hamburg did a great job and made the crowed hungry for more. So after a 30 minutes set of Mentally Sane we entered the stage and did our job as you may know 🙂 Full Fairytale Metal Power.u00a0
Saint Astray finished the crowed off so everyone had a great night and a nice bright tone in the ear after the shows:-) Great!
Thanks to the lads from the club, you were awesome. Next stop – Magdeburg, hell yeah!