Once upon a time

Berlin Blackland

For the first time Xiphea performed at the german capitol Berlin. The norwegian band “Cretura” invited us to support their Berlin show and of course we took the chance to do a show at Berlin. We had a great time at the Rock and Metal Bar Blackland in Berlin. Four bands, a lot of metalheads […]

Berlin Blackland

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #5

Last day Regensburg… What can I say… In the beginning it seemed everything will not work. Technical issues, problems withย punctuality and some other issues. But we sorted it out, hurraay. So we can do the show @ Alte Mรคlzerei Regensburg. And it was great and turned out to a great showdown. It was the last

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #5 Read More ยป

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #4

Next stop Sunday, Weiden –ย  The trip was not as long as before so we had a little bit more time to eat. After checking in the nice hotel we had a bavarian meal which was really great after all that junk food the days before. ๐Ÿ™‚ The show started at 8 oยดclock in a

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #4 Read More ยป

Xiphea tour

Tour with Saint Astray

  5 years on stage & once upon a time tour We had so much fun… what else can we say. The tour with Saint Astray was a total success and amazing for all of us. We met great people, great other bands and saw a few towns we have never been to. Well, ok

Tour with Saint Astray

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #3

Day 3 Magdeburg… This was a blast. We had some much fun and the people were great. The journey took us to the Heavy Metal Club “Damned Souls”. Great location with very friendly and helpful people. We had a great show and a fun night. The first bandย  from Magdeburg “Excuse for reality” started off

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #3 Read More ยป

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #2

Next stop Hamburg – Indra Club and we must say what a blast… Thank you Hamburg for a great evening. The audience was amazing even if there werenยดt as many as expected. Nevermind you sounded like a thousand ๐Ÿ™‚ Great show with great bands and friendly people everywhere. So we startet off to Hamburg very

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #2 Read More ยป

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #1

Got our things together, everything is packed and off we are. Huuuraaay!! We left our hometown to hit the road to Siegen… our first stop on our small tour with Saint Astray. Thanks by the way to the guys and girls of SA for taking some stuff of ours in their truck… Big thumb up.

Once upon a time Tour with Saint Astray Day #1 Read More ยป

Happy Birthday Once upon a time

  Happy Birthday Once upon a time Time flys by… Xipheaยดs latest album “Once upon a time” is now available for one year. We celebrate this milestone with a glass of champagne. Like we say in Germany “Prost du alter Sack!” ๐Ÿ™‚ And because of this great day we have a special for you aswell

Happy Birthday Once upon a time

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