Every year the band meets for a small summeru00a0band barbecue with the Xiphea family. For this year more people were involved because of the new line up Xiphea has since January this year. So girlfriends and wifes were also included and we all had a great evening with great chats, good food and a woderful time.u00a0
We talked about a lot of things Xiphea is planning for the future and made plans for the upcoming shows and on and on. So we have still a lot coming up this year and for next year plans are also made. We will tell you more when the time has come…
Just for the record we talked about touring, videos, new album, new merch stuff and had many laughs on some of these parts. As we mentioned we will give you more details soon. So for know, Xiphea is doing a short summer break to fresh up the energy for the next half of the year. Well a bit shorter than half a year 🙂 But nevermind, you get it right 🙂
So stay tuned for more details and info for the future…
Lots of Love from Xiphea